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State of Oregon Law Library Legal Research Blog

profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

A birth certificate is an important legal document. Without a birth certificate, it's hard or impossible to find housing, work or apply for public assistance. For a person who is homeless getting a birth certificate can be difficult

Starting July 1st the Oregon Health Authority has started a program to provide birth certificates to persons who are homeless. 

Applicants can apply for a free certificate from enrolled homeless service providers. However, the program has limited funding so applicants should apply as soon as possible.

profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

May Day is a international holiday celebrating the labor movement and the contributions of workers. Oregon has a long and proud history of labor organizing. Immigrants and immigration has long played a complicated and important role in the labor movement, especially in Oregon. 

This Labor day Governor brown will sign a number of bills providing protections to Oregon's immigrant population. The area around the capital will also host a rally in support of immigrants today starting at 11:00

There is also a wealth of history about Oregon's immigrants participation in the Labor movement

profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

Good Morning! 

The Oregon Supreme court will hear arguments on two lawyer discipline cases today. The Oregon Supreme Court is the final authority when it comes to regulating attorneys in Oregon. Today they take up that responsibility and hear two appeals from the disciplinary board. 

You can check out a summary of the cases and read the briefs here:

In Re: Gary B. Bertoni - S064820

In Re: Lisa D. T. Klemp - S064893

You can also watch the arguments live online or watch recordings of the arguments later here:

Remember if you ever have a problem with your own lawyer the Oregon State Bar is ready to hear your complaint and help.


profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

Monday will mark Oregon's 130th Labor Day. On February 21st, 1887Oregon was the first state to pass a law recognizing Labor Day. 

 African American's significant contributions to the labor movement are a sometimes overlooked part of labor history. It is important to recognize the roll of race in the labor rights movement and its connections with the civil rights movement. 

There is perhaps no more admirable person in American labor history who exemplifies this vital connection than Asa Phillip Randolph. 

A. Philip Randolph at the March on Washington, 1963. National Archives, Rowland SchermanA. Philip Randolph was born in 1889 in Florida the second son of a methodist minister and a seamstress. After some years as a active member of the socialist party and a anti-war figure he was invited in 1925 to lead a labor union representing the all black Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. He continued to advance the interests of American workers and the civil rights of African Americans until his death on May 16th 1979. A high point in his work was his chairmanship of the 1963 march on Washington famouse for the speech by Dr. Martin Luther King. He was among the first to promote mass movements and demonstrations to fight for labor and civil rights. His pioneering work shapes the civil rights and labor movements to this day.

His work fighting discrimination in the federal government and protecting workers is a example for all Oregonians. This labor day check out the story of his admirable life. 


profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

The Practicing Law Institute is a non-profit organization that produces legal reference publications and continuing legal education programs. This librarian has found their programs to be generally very well put together and informative.

As a non-profit they are committed to providing many CLEs that target the needs of attorneys providing pro-bono services. Many of these CLEs are available on their website free of charge. While the CLEs are mostly conducted in New York and California many are registered for credit in Oregon. 

Check out the list of Pro Bono CLEs here

profile-icon Lewis Zimmerman

Happy Labor Day Oregon!

Oregon has a long history of recognizing labor and its struggle to organize. On February 21st 1887 Oregon became the first state to recognize Labor Day as a state holiday.

The State of Oregon continues to work to assist working Oregonians. The Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) is the agency in Oregon charged with protecting workers and workers’ rights.  

The Wage and Hour Division  is the part of BOLI that enforces laws covering minimum wage and disputes over payment of wages.  If you think you are being underpaid or cheated of wages you have earned the Wage and Hour Division can help.

The Civil Rights Division is the part of BOLI that protects Oregonians from unlawful discrimination. This division covers employment discrimination, housing and public accommodation discrimination. If you think you’ve been discriminated against check out the information about filing a complaint.

BOLI has been working to protect Oregon’s workers since 1903. Read about BOLI’s long and proud history in their anniversary book.

BOLI conducts a large number of hearings as a part of its administration of Oregon’s labor laws.  The final orders of the agency are collected in the BOLI Orders  volumes. You can review all these orders online. They are a great way to research your own labor or discrimination question. BOLI also prepares a digest that organized many of the orders by subject. Use this digest to pin down the order you’re looking for!

Enjoy the fine weather this weekend fellow Oregonians but remember the workers who’ve made Oregon great!

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