Happy Labor Day Oregon!
Oregon has a long history of recognizing labor and its struggle to organize. On February 21st 1887 Oregon became the first state to recognize Labor Day as a state holiday.

The State of Oregon continues to work to assist working Oregonians. The Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) is the agency in Oregon charged with protecting workers and workers’ rights.
The Wage and Hour Division is the part of BOLI that enforces laws covering minimum wage and disputes over payment of wages. If you think you are being underpaid or cheated of wages you have earned the Wage and Hour Division can help.
The Civil Rights Division is the part of BOLI that protects Oregonians from unlawful discrimination. This division covers employment discrimination, housing and public accommodation discrimination. If you think you’ve been discriminated against check out the information about filing a complaint.
BOLI has been working to protect Oregon’s workers since 1903. Read about BOLI’s long and proud history in their anniversary book.
BOLI conducts a large number of hearings as a part of its administration of Oregon’s labor laws. The final orders of the agency are collected in the BOLI Orders volumes. You can review all these orders online. They are a great way to research your own labor or discrimination question. BOLI also prepares a digest that organized many of the orders by subject. Use this digest to pin down the order you’re looking for!
Enjoy the fine weather this weekend fellow Oregonians but remember the workers who’ve made Oregon great!